Saturday, 9 June 2012


Don't keep what is not yours anymore
Don't hold on to something that does not want to stay
Don't cry if he/she don't love you
Don't ask for chance if he/she is in love with another person
Don't make yourself unhappy over an ended relationship
Because God's doesn't want you to stay with him/her anymore
God's want you to meet someone that willing to stay with you
and willing to cherish you
That's why God's want you to be happy

Sometime you can miss him/her
But you can't cry over the same thing every time
Times will held your wound
God's will be there helping you and Always be there for you
So keep the one your love the most in your deep heart
Let him/her stay in your heart always n forever
and Life goes on no matter how

I miss you n you know it 

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