Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Does Braces Hurt ?

I am here to allocate about does braces abrasion a lot?
Yes ! Its hurt like damn ass shit 
Maybe I plucked off FOUR Teeth 
So I think it is ache 
But no matter how is it
At the beginning , I cant get use to it 
I suffered in pain almost two weeks < I think 
And I did not really eat 
That time everyone thought I am sick and my face look likes shit 
None of my friends dare to talk to me < HAHA DX
But now my teeth was straighten and I am going to say bye to my braces soon < I think 
So glad that I went to do braces 
Everyone said I slim a lot
Lasts time I used to have chubby face and look fatter
But now I'am having shape face and look slimmer ==

Anyway just get a try if you want to straighten your teeth and look skinnier 
Now the price is around 7K to 8K 
The price is increasing every year ( My Doctor told me )
So hurry up
Make your appoitment with your dentistry 

Hope you enjoy my post 
I am trying my best to update my died blog =)

Here is my ugly picture haha 

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